Our trained instructors have a high professional level when it comes to advice in connection with your training.
All our LOOP instructors are trained so that they have a relevant background – either educationally and/or professionally. In each center there is also a daily manager who has a recognized and certified education to ensure a high professional level in general in the center.
Our instructors review this training to ensure that you as a LOOP user are guided professionally and confidently in LOOP’s training program and get the best possible training experience. This means that there is a focus on ensuring the correct execution of the physical exercises, and that you receive focused and present instruction from the LOOP instructors.

Professional advice for your training
As a member of LOOP Fitness, you get access to our instructors. They can help you get started with the training, set realistic goals and follow your development along the way.
Trained to advise you
The instructors are therefore well equipped to advise you and enter into a dialogue about your goals and experiences with the LOOP concept.
The training that the LOOP instructors have completed is a mix of external courses, including the certified training mentioned above, as well as internal courses in the LOOP chain.
In the centers, you can ask for more information about the individual instructor’s background.